Additional Services!

Complementary travel insurance / international travel insurance / annual travel insurance for holiday trips

Relax and fully enjoy your vacation – your international insurance has you covered.

We unfortunately cannot avert a sandstorm in the Sahara, build bridges between the crevasses of the Alps or protect you from the Mafia on Sicily, but we can protect you from any financial loss if your car gets stolen, if you are involved in an accident or if you need to be transported back home from a hospital in Timbuktu. No matter what your plans are, we have the right insurance for your travels. TourInsure offers you complementary travel insurances for your international and intercontinental travels.

If you would like to be fully covered during your travels, please contact us and tell us what you need!

International insurances for business travels – business travel insurance compact

This insurance package is designed for companies with up to 250 employees. It covers business travels for up to 90 days per trip and an overall amount of 750 days per year.

If you would like to purchase your additional international insurance, please fill out the application form:

Annual travel insurances for holiday trips

If your passion for adventure often leads you to far-off lands each year, we have the perfect insurance package for you! With our annual travel insurance, you will be covered during all of your travels, no matter how spontaneous they may be.

If you would like to purchase annual travel insurance for your holiday trips, please apply here: